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英国ウィンブルドンにある名門パブリックスクール、King's College Schoolとの交換留学。お互いの国に2週間滞在し、授業への参加や遠足、ホストファミリーとの交流を通して様々な文化を学び合います。


Keio Senior High School Summer Program 2019

Click here for details

Keio Senior High School would like to welcome senior high school students from around the world to experience both school and family life in Japan.

Keio Senior High is a top-ranking, private senior high school in Japan. Our students not only excel in academics, but they are very active in extra-curricular activities including athletics, science research, music, and arts. Since Keio Senior High is affiliated with Keio University, our students have the opportunity to collaborate with university students on campus.

Keio Senior High School Summer Program 2019 is best suited for students who have never been to or just briefly visited Japan, and are academically motivated as well as willing to challenge themselves by trying new things. The academic programs are designed by our faculty members, while the extra-curricular activities and field trips are organized mainly by senior high school and university students from Keio. The participants will have a chance to spend some time on a homestay with a Japanese family. This is a bilingual program offered in Japanese and English.

We look forward to seeing you on campus this summer!

Basic Information

Dates:  July 11th ― July 20th (2019)
Location:  Keio Senior High School (https://www.keio.ac.jp/en/maps/hiyoshi.html)
Participants: Approximately 10 international students
Accommodation: homestay and dormitory
Eligibility:  All applicants must be enrolled as full-time students in secondary schools outside of Japan
Program fee:  200,000 JPY
   *The fee includes the above listed accommodation, 26 meals, domestic transportation and excursion fees.
   *All other expenses must be borne by the participants (i.e.: international airfare, traveler's insurance, cost of any
    time spent in Japan outside of the program)

Application Procedure:  Please send an email with your name, age, and home address to summer2019★hs.keio.ac.jp
     We will reply with the application packet.
Application Period:  April 1st ― May 22nd (2019)
      *Screening result will be sent to applicants' registered e-mail addresses by Wednesday,May 29th, 2019
Contact:  Keio Senior High School Summer Program 2019
     International Affairs Committee, Keio Senior High School

* When making inquiries, please replace "★" with "@".